Chapter Officers

Congratulations to the newly elected and appointed Executive Committee of the Bexar Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for the 2024-2026 biennium!

🔺 President: Beryl Douglas-Williams, MBA
🔺 First Vice President: Dr. Karen Trotty Douglas
🔺 Second Vice President: Syble R. Johnson
🔺 Recording Secretary: Denae’ Stowers
🔺 Corresponding Secretary: Lynette De Vaughn-Baker
🔺 Financial Secretary: Beverly Jones
🔺 Treasurer: Winetta Wilson
🔺 Nominating Chair: Lisa Nolen
🔺 Nominating Committee Member: Shontoya White
🔺 Internal Audit Chair: Arnita Brown
🔺 Sergeant at Arms: Tiffany Branford
🔺 Asst. Sergeant at Arms: Mentoria Sherfield
🔺 Chaplain: Rev Joyce Williams
🔺 Parliamentarian: Dr. Karen Trotty Douglas

Updated July 2024